VR Bike software
By means of different dangerous situations, responsible action skills are developed, which can be transferred to concrete everyday situations. Decisions in favor of road safety should be positively influenced - regardless of the road users' point of view. In addition, it should be possible to experience the effects of reduced driving ability on the journey.
Purpose and aim of the simulator
The aim of the project is the development of virtual reality bicycle simulators for the prevention of bicycle accidents.
Raising awareness of the risks and dangers involved in cycling
Educate people about the effects of inattentiveness and substance use on cycling
Remember your personal responsibility in the area of traffic rules and mastering cycling.
The simulator aims to address and illustrate real hazards.
Dangerous situations should be generated in a manner analogous to the statistically most relevant causes of accidents, including the subject areas of “drunk driving” and “inattentiveness” (cell phone or music / on-board computer).
Takeover of perspective
In different scenes, the perspective can be taken over by other road users to explain how good / bad others can perceive a cyclist.
Evaluation screen
Depending on the scene, the VR Bike evaluation screen contains values for reaction, braking, stopping distance and time as well as impact speed
Various dangerous situations
Common hazards and potential accident situations are simulated and can be experienced by the users.
How does the VR Bike system work
VR Bike simulator for prevention use
The VR Bike System consists of several components: On the one hand, a bicycle with low entry, a smart trainer, a powerful VR notebook, VR glasses and sensors that record speed, steering and braking behavior.
The VR Bike System can be transported using a station wagon or any vehicle that has enough space to transport a bike and is set up within 30 minutes.
Commissioning should ideally be carried out by employees who have received one-time training from us (initial training time approx. 2-3 hours, including test run for setting up and dismantling the VR Bike). See Hardware VR Bike for more information.
As a rule, the VR bike is used in a supervised manner, ie one person is at the VR Bike and supervises the people who want to try out the VR Bike. They sit on the VR Bike and can drive various risk scenes as desired, such as night driving without lights, change of perspective between bike and truck, etc. See software for
more information.
Features of the VR bike
The features can be expanded upon customer request. It is possible
Virtual reality
All scenes can be driven with virtual reality. This leads to greater immersion and to the fact that the person driving is more in the context of the scenery. If motion sickness occurs to some people, then many of the scenes can also be entered with our second mode (without VR) without any effort.
Airstream - improved driving experience
As has been found in scientific studies, feeling the airstream has the effect that any motion sickness that may occur can be reduced.
Different scenarios
This service is widely used by most of our customers and has proven to be essential on many occasions. With all of our services, you can rely on us to take care of all of your needs. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and can assure you that you will love working with our team. Let us know how we can help you today.
Accident simulation
Accidents are simulated using a black screen and a crash sound.
Change of perspective
Those who regularly use their cars and bicycles and thus have traffic experience from both perspectives will experience significantly fewer conflicts in the car that cyclists can blame, and significantly fewer conflicts caused by drivers on the bike. People who predominantly cycle and people who predominantly drive motor vehicles do not develop the same awareness of dangers and cannot adopt the perspective of the other person to the same extent as people who regularly use both modes of transport (source: https://www.vorsicht-vortritt.ch/ fileadmin / user_upload_vorsicht-vorritt / Link / Evaluation_LINKBefragung_April_2016.pdf).
A virtual reality scenario-based perspective assumption can be used to support this mutual understanding: The same dangerous situations can either be experienced by two people at the same time (one as a motor vehicle driver, one as a cyclist; then role swap), or by one person (first as a motor vehicle driver, then as a cyclist) . There will be at least a few scenarios in which the assumption of perspective can be experienced.
The change of perspective is carried out in such a way that a situation is first driven through by bicycle, then the change to the perspective of other road users (e.g. truck driver, car driver, pedestrian) takes place and is played in replay mode.
Evaluation screen
The trip-specific parameters and properties are shown in the evaluation screen, such as reaction distance and time, braking distance and time, etc.
Alcoholized mode
In alcohol mode, the cyclist can experience the effects of alcohol on the ability to react. Different levels of alcohol can be set.
The statistical evaluations can be used to determine how many people / customers have used the tool on a day.
Decrease of different speeds or different tempos are possible.
There is a normal mode and an e-bike mode. In normal mode, about 15-25 km / h is driven, whereas in e-bike mode about 45 km / h is driven.
Different weather conditions (fog and night) are implemented, always assuming a dry road surface.
Visibility (night)
There is a feature with light and without light: to show how dangerous it is when other road users cannot see the cyclist.